The last day before history is made..? - Reisverslag uit Santa Clarita, Verenigde Staten van Bo en Tim - The last day before history is made..? - Reisverslag uit Santa Clarita, Verenigde Staten van Bo en Tim -

The last day before history is made..?

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Bo en Tim

07 November 2016 | Verenigde Staten, Santa Clarita

Traveling through the states while the elections are upcoming is an adventure, i can't explain. And now it is almost time, election day!
We had many conversations about politics while traveling. The first thing people always did was feeling which side you are on. They won't have a conversation about it if you are not sharing the values.
One experience what sticked with us was the really nice man in an antique store in Colorado. He was very liberal and interested in how things were going in Holland. He was kind of jealous. In the states is a big show and it is just about making fun of each other.. He was ashamed for what the elections where so far. And this was just in June..
We talked with him for more than an hour. He liked the idea of a parlement where you have more than just two parties. And he was very interested in the part where we said 'politics are boring'. At one point he told us his opinion was not common in the neighborhood. But we didn't realized what he meant by than. Till an other lady walked in his store and he said in the middle of the conversation: 'it was nice talking to you, enjoy the rest of your trip. Bye'. We were kicked out of the store because he was scared that someone heard his opinion.
The same kind of story we heard in South Dakota in an other antique store. (antique stores are pretty big and cool here, we visit a lot of them haha) The family who owned the business were really open minded and visited Holland a couple of times. They knew how the system works in Holland and wished it was more like that in the states. The woman was wearing a Bernie Sanders button for a while and they noticed that they lost costumers.
This is one of the weirdest difference for us. Back home you can just go into a discussion, no hard feelings what ever you vote. And you won't lose any costumers if you vote for something else. This goes pretty far in the states, I think. While we were on the road and we had the radio on, we heard an employee from Facebook saying: a lot of people are 'unfriending' their Facebook-friends because they think differently than they do and they don't want to see it on their timeline. She continued about friendships getting broken because people think differently. This never happend before. The gap between Democrats and Republicans is growing, sadly. I think if they work together something nice can happen.

The last few weeks I have been thinking a lot about the elections. The debates where sad. They are just saying what the other did and how bad he/she is. What is that kind of a debate?! We want to know how they're gonna make society better and what their plans are. And always getting Russia involved. Focus on your own country first, please. If the big America wants to stay the big America it needs to focus on itself and his own citizens.

Im proud of Holland that we have a system where everybody can say something. Of course there is still improvements possible but I think the politics are more like society than here.

It has been eye opening and for a while I was scared because traveling through the midwest is a lot of trump country. And after seeing a lot of clips and debates, trump says a lot of thinks what isn't true. He's lying and I'm curious how that is possible. How is it possible that a candidate can lie? If you make things a little bit better, okay what ever, but if you make things up... thats really bad. And while traveling through the midwest we just saw things about Hillary, that she was lying and stuff. At one point I was getting in there and was thinking Hillary is lying and she is bad. And of course she says stupid stuff and she lies about things. Because it seems like a think here as a presidential candidate.. But she isn't a pedophile or what ever. They make it big, bigger, biggest here.
For a lot of Americans it is just voting for the one who isn't the worst. But I hope people are gonna vote, because we met a lot of people who don't want to vote because they don't like both of the candidates.

I don't know what is gonna happen Tuesday, but I hope what ever happens, we in Holland stay like we do and we make sure there will not be a gap in society like here. We need to stay together in times like this and what ever you vote, we need to talk about it. Try to understand why somebody is voting for that specific party. I wish I could talk to somebody who is gonna vote trump and have an open conversation about it. I just want to understand you. If we can do it in our society, the politics can do it too. and we make the world better :) it is about learning, understanding and having respect for each other.

Oh and you need to check out this video about the elections!!!! This is the solution hahaha.

  • 09 November 2016 - 12:15

    Marg Van Ladesteijn:

    Goed verslag! Ook bij ons gate het om macht! trump heeft helaas wel gewonnen, maar de Amerikanen hebben hem wel met ruime meerderheid gekozen!

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